mercredi 16 mai 2007

st paul's cathedral

On wednesday april 25th we went to st paul's cathedral.

As soon as we arrived we took a lot of photos because it's very beautiful and very impressive !

Then we went inside for a visit of one hour and a half.

It was a free visit.

In the choir there was a mass and with the top the famous dome.

It was decorated with gold like the rest of the cathedral.

In the basements there were the crypt and shops, restaurants...and toilets!!!

In the crypt there were a lot a tomb of famous personality for example the tomb of Horatio Nelson...

There are some chapels on the first floor of the cathedral and a memorial for the Americans.

After that we climbed in the dome.

The stairs was very exhausting !
But the sight was very beautiful!

Higher, there was the stone gallery.

And still higher, there is the gold gallery !

There is a fantastic sight of London!

We loved this visit, it was super!!!

Emma, Gwennaëlle, Lisa, Diane, Manon

Eton college [ Anna , Chloé , Anaïs ]

Eton college

Eton College is a university which accomodates 1300 boys from 13 to 18 years. It gathers 70 stock-brokers since the beginning of his foundation which goes up has 1440 by the king Henri VI. Several famous people went there studied like prince William and prince Harry. The university is founded in a district, each building corresponds has a different matter. One finds there also a vault, a museum and the oldest classroom of the world. The annual cost is £36,000 or 54.000 euros per pupil. In England the majority of the population think that the girls lose their intelligences while growing on the contrary boys, it is for that that 3/4 of the universities are reserved to the boys and very little for the girls. The symbol of Eton College is equal to that of London it is the Lion. Eton is also a very religious university, the vault was at the same time founded as the college and never changed but renovated. Every Sunday the pupils go to the mass and do their prayers.

One can qualify this college of historic building, indeed it is one of oldest in the world which is still used today with an education and a Spartan teaching .

Our opinion:

Anna - > I have found the visit very well and interesting. I learned several things which I did not know the building was impressive, just all like the schoolboys… It's a pity that there no were exchanges. I hope for another time! I can thus say that that was one of my favourite visits .

Anaïs - >I have found the visit interesting and enriching, but I regret not having been able to speak to the schoolboys. I found the architecture of this college very impressive also, but not as much as the boys…

Chloé - > I liked the visit very much because the whole of the college (the vault, the museum. ) was interesting and not tedious. The guide explained to us in English the life of the college (which I sometimes did not understand at all!! ) During the explanations I was not focused on the guide… (but the boys)!!

mercredi 9 mai 2007


St Paul’s, with its world-famous Dome, is an iconic feature of the London skyline, but there is so much more to Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece than its impressive facade.


The Dome of the Cathedral, decorated with exquisite 18th century paintings by Sir James Thornill and nineteenth century mosaics.

Pay tribute to some of our great national heroes, including Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington, and Winston Churchill, in the Cathedral’s Crypt.

See famous works of art on the Cathedral floor by artists including William Holman Hunt, Henry Moore and Sergi Chepik.


The up of the spiral staircase care up to the Whispering Gallery to sample its unique audio effects before travelling up and out to the Stone and Golden Galleries, which afford a panoramic view of London!

Whether St Paul’s is an old favourite, or you’re planning on making your first trip to the Cathedral, we can guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Our impression:

The cathedral is immense and really beautiful. Some of us climbed up to the dome and it was magic in spite of the tiring staircases!! We did not regret this visit.

Emma, Diane, Lisa, Gwennaelle, Manon

Leeds castle

The castle of Leeds was built in 1119 per Robert of Crevecoeur to replace the Saxon manor of Esledes. Later , in 1278, the castle became the royal palace of Edward I of England and Eléonor of Castille.

Approximately 43 years old after Edward II besieged the castle later that its queen was not allowed there. Leeds castle has escaped with its destrcution during the English civil war, at that time its owner were the Culpeper family. Is last resident was Mrs Baillit who had bought it in 1926, it will redecored it with Stephan Boudin of Paris thus founded the base of Leeds castle. 50 years after, in 1976 the castle is was opened with the public. July 17, 1978, it was amplacement of a meeting between Egyptian president Mr Sadat and the Minister for the foreign businesses of Israel, Mr. Dayan.

The characteristics of this castle are the black swans, a gift given by Winston Churchill which sent them there to live as well, the white peacocks and the gardens with several lakes.
The castle has a birdcage, a labyrinth, a cave, a ground of golf and possesses the only museum of collars of dogs.

Sonia, Laure et Camille

Madame Tussaud

In Madame's Tussaud ,We can see a lot of stars .

.There are 8 categories :

-Actors: Colin Farell, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, ...
-Pirates of Carribean: Johnny Deep, Orlando Bloom, ...
-Sports: Tiger Woods, Mohamed Ali, Jonha Lomoo, ...
-Music: Bob Marley, Mozart, Beyoncé, ...
-Fantastic: Hulk, Spider Man, Superman, ...
-Politics: Fidel Castro, Yasser Arafat, Hitler, ...
-Royal Familly:Elisabeth II, Her butler, ...
-Horror room:Louis XVI, Voltaire, ...

We could take photos with the world cup,Kate Moss, ...
At the end, there is a little train who explain the history of London.

The real name of Madame Tussaud is Marie GROSHOLTZ

Our opinions:

Aurel=I liked everything and it was cool and we could take photos for free.

Arlan=I loved it because there were a lot of rooms there are three activities(world cup, ride a bike with Amstrong, ...)

Ismaïl=It's so super, I liked the sports room and horror room.

J B= It was wonderful, I saw all stars ,I loved it.

Yann= I loved this museum because there are a lot of stars and "horror room" is my favourite room.

The great fire of London

It's began the night of September 2, in 1666. It's started at Pudding Lane, in the bakeshop of Thomas Farynor,baker to King Charles II. It lasted 5 days. It destroyed 1/3 of London, and 13.200 people were homeless. The rebuilding lasted more than 10 years. Only 6 people died.
Unfortunately, in the museum, a lots of galleries were closed.
After visiting the museum, we went to St Paul's Cathedral.

Marine's opinion : I didn't like this day because it was very boring.
Laura's opinion : It wasn't very interesting, I would have prefered to stay seated.
Timothé's opinion : I didn't like the visit, I stayed seated but I liked St Paul's Cathedral !
Noëllie's opinion : It wasn't very interesting but I liked St Paul's Cathedral.

Timothé, Laura, Marine, Noellie.

Eton College [Charlotte Mélissa]

Eton college is a college which we visited on tuesday the 24th of april. We arrived first in the playground of Eton, in front of a statue of the king
Henry VI. A guide explained us the history of the college:
  • The college was founded in 1440 by KIng Henry VI
  • There are 1300 boys between the ages of 13 and 18.

After, we went outside to see the differents buildings. There is one building for each school subject. The boys can choose differents options. All the boys were in uniform.

Then, we went in a school class. It is the older classroom of the world. There are drawings, writings on the tables because before, the pupils could use knives. There are a lot of tables in wood.

Then, we entered the chapel. The history of the chapel is explained below.

This is a part of the group in the oldest class in the world.


King Henry attached a great importance to religion so he built a cathedral in the college. They replaced all of the windows because a bomb of World war II exploded on them. As well as old paintings which were found on the walls had been covered with white.


After the preceding visits, we entered a room. There was a movie about the story and the topicality of Eton. This movie explained in particular which activities the Etonian practised. So, they played soccer, rugby, hockey, cricket, rowing, athletics, squash. There are less familiars sports like rackets and fives. There are sports which are played only in Eton college: wall and field games.

Our impressions:

Mélissa: I think it was interesting but I didn't understand all of the things the guide said. I liked the neighbourhood too, it was fine to have our first free time even if the shops weren't very nice.
Charlotte: The things that the guide said weren't very interesting. Like Mélissa, I think the shops outside weren't very great. I didn't like this visit very much, but of course it was good to have a free time in Windsor.