lundi 16 avril 2007


It's super, it's a beautiful country, you have to visit England.
There are a lot of museums to visit, like for example MS TUSSAUDS.
We will travel with a super teacher of 4°1.
I'm happy because we're allowed to go shopping.


Nous avons trouvé le bulletin météo de notre séjour à Londres!

Il fera en général beau mais quelques jours seront moins ensoleillés:

LUNDI: 19° - Pluie faible
MARDI: 18° - Belles éclaircies
MERCREDI: 16° - Très nuageux
JEUDI: 16° - Ciel couvert
VENDREDI: 15° - Pluie faible
Pour plus de précisions consultez ce site

Emma et Charlotte
PS: il faut qu'on change régulièrement les informations parce que le temps change tous les jours sur ce site!!!
pour le voyage, il faut amener :

  • un petit sac pour le bus (sac en plastique, sac à mains mais pas de sac a dos qui est interdit dans le bus)
  • une valise avec les vetement
  • un sac pour le pic-nic
  • Covent Garden

    After Leeds castle, we'll go to Covent Garden in London.

    Take a look at what Covent Garden is and what you can find there:

    Covent Garden 1

    Covent Garden 2

    Now do the following quiz.

    Leeds Castle

    Here are some interesting links to websites about Leeds castle. Take some time to peruse them, then do the quizzes.

    Work in pairs, you will not be evaluated on the quizzes this time.

    There will be other quizzes regarding the other attractions we're going to visit during our trip.

    Once we have gone through all of them, we'll devote one hour- probably when we come back from the trip- to do the quizzes again, only this time you will be evaluated and you will not have access to the websites.

    So try and make the most out of these training sessions.

    OK, back to Leeds castle : Take a look at the following websites:

    Leeds castle 1

    Leeds castle 2

    Leeds castle 3

    Then click on the following links and do the quizzes related to the information you've just read:

    Quiz 1

    Quiz 2

    dimanche 15 avril 2007

    An overview

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    samedi 14 avril 2007

    On Tuesday, April 24th:

    We'll visit Eton College, near Windsor, at 10 A.M. It will be a guided visit in English.
    We'll have lunch there and we'll stay some time in the area before we leave at 1.30 P.M to go to London and visit Madame Tussaud's wax museum at 3 P.M.
    If we have time, we'll go to Regent's park, near the museum, or to Hyde Park, which is on our way to Kingston.

    Back to Kingston and dinner with the host families at 6.30.

    On Wednesday, April 25th:

    At 10.30, we'll visit the Museum of London and at 2.30 St Paul's Cathedral.

    Back to Kingston and dinner with the host families at 6.30.

    On Thursday, April 26th:

    At 10.30, we'll go on a flight on the London Eye, the flight will last about half an hour.

    At 12.30, we'll have lunch in a Pizza Hut restaurant, near Picadilly.

    At 6 P.M, we'll take the ferry back to France, and we'll arrive at Calais at 8.30 P.M, local time.

    On Friday, April 27th:

    After a long night on the road sleeping in the coach, we'll arrive at Thonon at about 8 in the morning.